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Senior Companion Program

Image by Erik Mclean
Image by Gert Stockmans

Senior Companion's efforts are aimed at helping others live as fully and independently as possible. They are focused on easing the loneliness by visiting and talking about old times, playing a game of cards, or just everyday living things that a senior might need some help with.


Senior Companion volunteers provide companionship and assistance to frail elderly, mental health clients, assisted living home residents, nursing home residents, foster care residents, and adult day centers. Senior companions are 55+ years of age. Volunteers work a minimum of 20 hours a week and receive a stipend and mileage reimbursement.  

Senior Companions must:

  • be considered low income which is based on 200% of DHHS poverty guidelines (a family unit of one $27,180, two is $36,620),  

  •  live in one of the 3 counties that we serve; Delta, Schoolcraft, Menominee

  • pass a criminal history checks which includes finger printing, and ICHAT (sex offender check)

  • complete 20 hours of volunteer training provided by the SCP staff

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